Daycare Child Abuse?

It was reported a couple days ago that this beautiful baby boy only 4 months old was potentially a victim of daycare child abuse. He's reported to go to Little Buckaroo in Marietta, Oklahoma where he sustained the injuries shown as well as bite marks on his little chest.

His mother received a call at work October 29, 2013 telling her that her son had been in "an accident" and a 2 year old boy scratched him. This doesn't look like any scratch I've seen, this looks like neglect AND/OR abuse! Either they just left him to be watched by a toddler and he was attacked by him instead or one of the daycare workers had to have done this! I hate to think either but obviously something happened!

The daycare worker was said to have asked the mother not to take him to the emergency room because she would be reported! Police as well as DHS are now investigating. If you have any information please call the Marietta police department at (580) 276-9371. If your child goes here please take them out and if you have any experience with this "daycare" please let us know your experiences!