Ipad Air By Apple Released!

So I didn't even know Apple was coming out with another iPad but apparently it was and it's now released! Yay!......... I guess? I love Apple products and I'm obsessed with my iPad so I guess I don't get why they keep twerking it. I have the iPad 3 I think. Anyway here is some of the specs I received from Apple in my inbox! "It’s 7.5 millimeters thin and weighs just one pound. With the stunning 9.7-inch Retina display and the new A7 chip,it’s the most powerful and capable iPad yet." I kind of get the whole mini, I mean it's perfect for the little ones! But this just redundant. What do you think about the new iPad? Will you get it?

Daycare Child Abuse?

It was reported a couple days ago that this beautiful baby boy only 4 months old was potentially a victim of daycare child abuse. He's reported to go to Little Buckaroo in Marietta, Oklahoma where he sustained the injuries shown as well as bite marks on his little chest.

His mother received a call at work October 29, 2013 telling her that her son had been in "an accident" and a 2 year old boy scratched him. This doesn't look like any scratch I've seen, this looks like neglect AND/OR abuse! Either they just left him to be watched by a toddler and he was attacked by him instead or one of the daycare workers had to have done this! I hate to think either but obviously something happened!

The daycare worker was said to have asked the mother not to take him to the emergency room because she would be reported! Police as well as DHS are now investigating. If you have any information please call the Marietta police department at (580) 276-9371. If your child goes here please take them out and if you have any experience with this "daycare" please let us know your experiences!

Jonas Brothers Split For Good?

Awe, well it's official, they've announced that (at least for now) they're calling it quits AGAIN! After announcing earlier this month they suspended then canceled their tour they've shut down all future plans for an album.

You have to wonder whose idea was it really? Speculations have been made, of course! Is Joe dealing with an addiction problem? He's been seen with addiction specialist Mike Bayer around town. Is Nick having trouble managing his diabetes? Or maybe Kevin just felt like he was over the whole boy band group now that he's going to be a dad! Although Kevin's been quoted as saying it was a unanimous thing, one of them had to get the ball rolling!

Don't change!

Pink Zebra!

I miss having some of this in my home :(

Free websites for kids!

Baby's first Halloween!

Are you making your little ones costume this? What do you want his or her costume to be? I have no idea yet!

You know your a mom if.....

You're about to post a picture and you spell you're wrong lol. Yes I'm very sleep deprived because of my newborn lol. Anyway here is the picture I intended to post.

Find someone that......

How easy would this be? Click.

Okay just kidding lol, this looks hard and I wish I had the patience for this! Well I don't and munchkin (my 9 year old) has even less then me. Oh we'll of one of you decides to do this and posts a link to in a comment to it you'll get 50% off your order of OHD. Just because I wish I had that tenacity. ;)

*There is no credit for this picture that I could find a friend shared it on her timeline. If this is yours please let me know and I'd be happy to credit it to you and/or take it down. 

Horned Sea Creature?

So I opened my email this morning and saw this "Horned Sea Creature Nit What You Think". I'm thinking wth? Now if you know me, you know I'm never in the loop. I never know what's going on so this threw me a little.
All I'm going to say is this. I still think it's the lockness monster. (:

Mommy/To Be Freebies!

So I've spent the past hour trying to find freebies just to share with other mommies. Here is my list. Only a few are actually physical freebies, some are contests, or subscriptions but all are legitimate. When signing up PLEASE use an email just for these types of things because you will get a lot of 'spam' from the companies.

1. Enter to receive free diapers.
2. Free goody bag after you register for baby products. Must go in store to receive.
3. Free Elmo bag tag.
4. Tide Vivid White + Bright™ Detergent and Boost. You have to register to request a sample.
5. 50 Free kid songs from Amazon!
6. Probiotic chewable sample from Target. Limited quantities but it was still available as of this post.
7. $5 from Starbucks.
8. Personalized music from Elmo. Code is MYELMO.
9. Fire safety songs from Sesame Street.

Giveaway Time?

So I'm thinking of hosting an Easter giveaway! 
Who would be interested in joining?


Hey there friends and followers! I am taking a much needed mommy break and snacking on some yummy yogurt covered raisins, and drinking a big glass of water while I post a little blupdate... that's my new word for blog update. :)

You've probably noticed some changes to the blog- I'm trying to make it a little more interactive by offering new things like product reviews and hosting contests and giveaways. If you're here because you're interested in participating in a giveaway, or you have a product you'd like me to review and rave about to my readers, click on the PR tab. As friends and sponsors contact me, I'll be offering contests and giveaways right here on the main page of this blog. I'll review and do giveaways for just about anything that will be helpful for moms- from beauty products to baby products. So, be sure to check back daily to see if I'm hosting any new contests!